Rock Star Rookies learn in a band where everything they learn fits together with the rest of the group to sound great, motivating pupils to excel and get the most out of their instrumental instruction.
Rock Star Rookies Workbook
In support of our sessions, every Rock Star Rookie is given a workbook.
The aim is to reinforce their understanding of the musical instruments and associated playing techniques and to encourage pupils to reflect on the skills learned.
Class teachers are encouraged to allow pupils some time during the school week to complete their workbooks.

‘Rock Star Of The Week’ Award
The ‘Rock Star Of The Week’ is a handsome, glass trophy.
Each week, the good work and behaviour of a Rock Star Rookie will be acknowledged.
The award is theirs to keep in school until the next session.
It is our intention that every pupil will receive the award in recognition of their efforts.

Delivering the National Curriculum
- Increasing pupil “confidence and control” and enabling them to “appreciate and understand a wide range of high-quality live and recorded music”.
- To “play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using their voices and playing instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency control and expression”.
- Listen with “attention to detail” and “recall sounds with increasing aural memory”.
- To “use and understand staff and other musical notations”.
- Develop an “understanding of the history of music”.
Testimonials Video
‘I can’t believe how good they sound in such a short space of time.’
‘Our children are really enjoying the sessions and it’s lovely to hear their enthusiasm for the subject’
‘We’re delighted with the sessions and the quality of teaching, the children sound great’
‘The sessions are pitched at a perfect level for our children and thoroughly enjoyed by all.’
We'd be delighted to hear from you
Please get in touch for more details, and to request a FREE taster session!